Saturday, July 26, 2008

Do the D-I-S-C-O (BB Fanboy post)

Here's the problem with me "revealing" myself as a fanboy of something: I am obsessed with essentially everything, and am also very vocal about said obsessions (Lauren just read that over my shoulder and immediately said "it's true!" so you know I'm not lying). Here is an abbreviated list of things with which I am publicly obsessed:

1. So You Think You Can Dance
2. Harry Potter
3. Shakespeare
4. Henry VIII and his four thousand wives
5. Bad movies (Like The Mummy, and P.S. I Love You, and The Phantom, and a bunch of others)
6. Dashes
7. Existentialist philosophy
8. Select people
9. Aromat
10. Slurpees

Okay, I think you get my point. I am an excitable person. So when I read this post I was like, "Crap. Should have played things a little closer to the chest. No one's going to be surprised now!" But then I remembered disco. Only Lauren really knows how much I love disco.

Now, before anyone gets too excited about how dorky this is, and starts making jokes about John Travolta, etc. I would like to point out that I mostly mean the style of dance. Here is an example of what I mean. Also, if anyone watches this and isn't immediately obsessed/immensely impressed, please don't tell me, because I will just be devastated.

So anyway, we all know that my current number one obsession is So You Think You Can Dance and that I value it over the property and overall happiness of all Spokane residents. (Juuuust kidding!) The people with whom I watch this blessed television event (Lauren and Ju-Ju-Ju-Julie and the Trouts) know that I get super stoked every time Dorianna Sanchez (the disco lady) choreographs something (even though the dancers this season haven't quite achieved the Sara-Neil perfection of the afore-linked video). I LOVE IT! It's so pink and shiny and smiley (which would be my chosen words if I ever had to write another one of those college admission essays about three words that describe yourself). Technical dancing skills are all very well and good, but approximately no one would be impressed or at all entertained if you busted out some contemporary dance in a club.

Need more proof that I love the dorky disco? Please reference my overwhelming adoration of Mamma Mia!

The Abba montage outfits were admittedly heinous (see above, from the broadway show), but how much fun was that movie? I've always had a soft spot for Abba, which I inherited from Jo. When we saw the movie, people were singing in the theater, which in my estimation is proof of a good time. Since I secretly wish life was more like a musical, I was super into the sudden musical outbursts. Here's one now:

Who wouldn't want to be friends with people like that? I have already informed Lauren that she will be expected to sing, and dress in ruffles, should I ever find myself wondering which of three incredibly attractive men is the father of my charming bastard child.

And here's something you probably didn't know, which further proves my commitment to disco: if you were to stop me any time in the next couple of weeks, I think you would find that my ipod is playing any one of about 8 songs from this movie. Oh, or the song from the SYTYCD disco routine. If you're really sneaky, you could probably find me dancing in the stacks at the library during work (because I like to provide a soundtrack to my book-finding efforts. It lightens things up, since I'm usually looking for books with pictures of dead bodies for the Stiff exhibit.)

1 comment:

--V-- said...

confession: i organized the beginning of my trip to europe last summer around the premier of the harry potter movie. we were in the middle of chaotic london when it was initially released, then in paris when they had their premier...but i'm not really a stalker (the paris one was a surprise ;)